Project's goal
The project’s goal is to develop an innovative training framework for tourism VETs (more towards Continuous VET) to equip trainees with skills and competences focusing on the implications of the use of AI from an ethical perspective. Its scope is not only to support innovation in the European VET system but also to endorse the digital and ethical data - driven alterations of the sector qualifying its workforce to meet industry/EC demands
Empowering European Tourism Education
The developed training framework will be available to all participating members of the consortium in order to strengthen their teaching programs. The participation of 5 EU countries (Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain, Malta) is not random, as the participating countries show a large financial dependence on tourism activities offering opportunities for cooperation and knowledge exchange.
interactive and participatory teaching methods to enhance ethical thinking in tourism, utilizing a Lean Methodological Framework in Work Package 2 (WP2).
An ECVET profile and accompanying training plan to boost flexible learning (WP3)
innovative training materials by leveraging content localization and validating it within Work Package 4 (WP4).
Awareness in the tourism stakeholders about the ethical aspects of the use of AI applications will be an intangible result, along with the exploitation and sustainability of the project results (WP5)